Reiseroute  Mexiko - USA - Kanada - Alaska

01.04. - 07.05.2015 Veracruz - El Tajín - Tepotzotlán - Puebla - Tlaxcala - Cantona - Tuxtepec -
                                     Juchitan de Zaragoza - Ocozocoautla - Coatzacoalcos - Catemaco - Veracruz -  

7. Reiseetappe

21.03. - 30.04.2016 Tepotzotlán - Querétaro - San Miguel de Allende - San Luis Potosí -
                                     Real de Catorce - Nuevo Laredo (Mexiko) - Laredo - Big Bend Nationalpark -
                                     Amarillo - Fort Worth - Austin - San Antonio (Texas)

01. - 31.05.2016  San Antonio - Houston - Galveston - Port Arthur - Baton Rouge - New Orleans -
                                Manatees Springs State Park - Homosassa State Park
01. - 23.06.2016 Homosassa State Park - Fort Lauderdale - Key West - Bahia Honda State Park -  
                               Everglades National Park - Merritt Island (Kennedy Space Center) - Miami

8. Reiseetappe

13. - 28.02.2017 Miami - Fort Lauderdale - Palm Beach - Daytona Beach - St. Augustine -
                               Ocala National Forest - Osceola National Forest - Jacksonville - Brunswick
01. - 31.03.2017 Brunswick - Savannah - Charleston - Great Smoky Mountains National Park -
                               Blue Ridge Parkway - New Bern - Virginia Beach - New York
01.04. - 06.05.2017 New York - Washington - Shenandoah NP - Badlands NP - Mt. Rushmore -
                                     Wind Cave NP - Great Sand Dunes NP - Arches NP - Canyonlands NP -   
                                     Bryce Canyon NP - Zion NP - St. George

9. Reiseetappe

23.05. - 30.06.2018 St. George - Snow Canyon State Park - Cathedral Gorge State Park -   
                                     Great Basin NP - Yosemite-, Kings- und Sequoia NP - Grand Canyon NP -
                                     Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP - Dinosaur NM - Teton NP - Yellowstone NP
01. - 31.07.2018 Yellowstone NP - Hells Canyon NRA - Mount St. Helens National Volcanic
                               Monument - Mount Rainier NP - Olympic NP - North Cascades NP - Kalispell
01. - 31.08.2018 Kalispell - Glacier NP (USA)- Waterton Lakes NP - Banff NP - Jasper NP - 
                               Prince George - Terrace - Hyder - Whitehorse - Dawson City
01.09. - 05.10.2018 Dawson City - Inuvik - Tok - Denali NP - Anchorage - Homer - Seward -
                                     Whitehorse - Fort St. John - Saskatoon - Winnipeg - Montréal - Halifax